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The experts at Apex Container Tech Inc. are here to assist you in your current business or with starting a new one

We now offer marketing services for companies wishing to market their products in the PET industry. Whether you developed a resin additive, a conveyor system, a bottle design, or a machine, we can assist you in getting the word out to the right people with the right arguments.

Our comprehensive approach starts with a technical evaluation of your product. We will examine all aspects with respect to

Technical merits
Competitive products
Work hazards
Consumer safety
Consumer preferences

Based on this evaluation, we suggest a marketing strategy outlining

Focused advertising
Show and conference participation
Sales efforts targeted to specific companies in the PET sector
Hiring sales agents
Creating budgets and setting an expectation horizon
Brochure creation and distribution
Other sales material

We will assist your team in implementing this approach or we can take on parts of it ourselves. Complete confidentiality is guaranteed.

Give us a call at 705.429.1492